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Hands and Feet Stretch
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Core Stretch

Core Stretch
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Create Your Own Happiness

Health Education

Heartfelt Desire: Saying Yes to LIfe

Feeling into your energetic heart center, what emerges? What makes you say Yes to life? What puts a sparkle in your eyes, a lilt in your step, a fire in your belly?

Dec. 2nd, 12-12:30 pm ET
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Intention: Saying Yes to Now

What would you like to experience because of today’s practice? Intention brings mission or calling down to a bite-sized morsel.

December 5th , 12-12:30 pm ET
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Inner Resource: Place of Ease

Your personal toolkit for resilience includes Inner Resource, that embodied experience of ANY AMOUNT of ease or well-being.

December 16th ,12-12:30 pm ET
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